It hasn't always been easy, but I did enjoy doing those things myself. I enjoy my autonomy. I enjoy being self-sufficient. I enjoy the freedom it gives me to learn and explore in a hands-on, low-stakes way.
I don't regret spending so much time doing this more or less by myself. It's helped a lot with helping me figure out exactly what I want to do and the kinds of working relationships I want to have. That knowledge came in a far less painful way than it would have if I'd begun from a more ambitious vision or involved more people than absolutely necessary.
However, I think it's time for me to admit that I need help.
It's not because I can't do this anymore or don't want to, but I've come to understand that trying to do it all more or less by myself is starting to hinder my ability to grow. Right now, I'm in a phase where I want to focus on writing and developing more scripts. That doesn't mean I want to stop producing my own plays or abdicate all responsibility to someone else, but I do think that I am now ready for an artistic partner or two.
When I think about it, what I want looks a lot like what Jim and Pete had at Nosedive Productions. I'm looking for something where this person and I can grow together over a period of time. Granted, I'll have to be more intentional because my temperament and current situation prevent me from just lucking into finding someone who just clicks.
If I had to write a list, I'm looking for someone who:
- can commit to a long-term, non-exclusive creative partnership
- wants to share the responsibilities of producing theatre
- understands the importance of race, gender, sexuality, class, etc. in arts and media
- makes bold artistic choices on each production
- is open to trying unconventional casting and rehearsal processes and non-traditional venues
- works magic on a shoestring budget
- has an interest in mythology, folklore, and fairy tales
- is something of a sci-fi/fantasy/horror buff
- can get along with someone who is a textbook INTJ
I don't really care about the resume or CV. I care about vision, passion, and commitment.
Do you know someone like this? Can you put me in touch with them?